Year 7 History Excursion to IMAX and the Melbourne Museum

The Year 7 girls went on an excursion to IMAX and the Melbourne Museum for their history units, undertaken in term 1 and the beginning of term 2. The girls first watched a movie on the huge IMAX screen and were blown away by the mysterious world of Ancient Egyptian people, ancient mummies and ancient monuments. The film highlighted historical journeys as well as scientific adventures, which ultimately lead to the discovery of forty mummies in the late 19th century, among them the legendary Ramses the great!

Students also explored the techniques historians employ as well as their sources of evidence when uncovering the past. The girls engaged in a facilitator lead workshop called ‘A load of old rubbish’ which focused on Little Lonsdale Street in the late 1800’s. Students were encouraged to consider what they could learn from the rubbish left behind by people.

The girls also learnt more about archaeological practice, as they worked in teams to guide their learning in the Melbourne Story exhibition. The Melbourne Story exhibition presented a snapshot of the history of Melbourne from early contact between white settlers and local Indigenous peoples. This was a unique experience for all as we had the opportunity to unfold the Melbourne story through the eyes of all of its citizens – rich and poor, settlers and immigrants, young and old!

Thank you to staff and students who attended on the day,

Miss. Dani and Mrs. Topcu